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Function: graydonCreditGetReport

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Description of the function

Retrieve a Graydon credit report of a company registered in the Netherlands.

Below you will find an overview of the input you must supply to this function, and the output you can expect.

Input to the SOAP server

This is the input you must supply to the SOAP server.

auth_username string
auth_password string
graydon_company_id integer
document string

Output from the SOAP server

This is the output that you will receive from the SOAP server. Optional elements are displayed using a gray italic font.

out struct GraydonCreditReport
report_normal struct GraydonCreditReportNormal
company struct GCRCompanyItself
graydon_company_id integer
contact_details struct GCRContactDetails
company_name string
trade_names array {
struct GCRTradeName
is_current boolean
name string
date_from date
date_until date
addresses array {
struct GCRAddress
is_current boolean
address_code int
address_text string
date_from date
date_until date
street string
house_no string
house_no_addition string
pobox string
postcode string
residence string
country_code int
country_text string
telephone_numbers array {
struct GCRTelephoneNumber
telephone_code int
telephone_text string
country_number string
net_number string
subscriber_number string
official_data struct GCROfficialData
chamber_of_commerce struct GCRChamberOfCommerce
chamber_no string
dossier_no string
sub_dossier_no string
administering_chamber_no string
trade_register_location string
vat_number string
present_legal_form_code int
present_legal_form_text string
present_legal_form_fine_code int
present_legal_form_fine_text string
number_of_non_executive_partners string
publication_duty_code string
publication_duty_text string
capital array {
struct GCRCapital
is_current boolean
date_change date
social_capital string
capital_of_commandite_partnership string
issued_capital string
paid_up_capital string
monetary_amount_specified_in_corporate_deed string
founded array {
struct GCRFounded
date_from date
residence string
legal_form_code int
legal_form_text string
start_date date
founded_at date
discontinuance struct GCRDiscontinuance
type string
date string
reason string
history struct GCRHistory
originated_from array {
struct GCROriginatedFrom
graydon_company_id integer
originated_from_code int
originated_from_text string
date_from date
continuation array {
struct GCRContinuation
date_from date
residence string
legal_form_code int
legal_form_text string
company_continued_under array {
struct GCRCompanyContinuedUnder
graydon_company_id integer
continued_under_code int
continued_under_text string
date_from date
positions_in_other_companies array {
struct GCRJobTitle
graydon_company_id integer
is_current boolean
job_title_code int
job_title_text string
authority_code int
authority_text string
date_from date
date_until date
annual_figures array {
struct GCRAnnualFigures
graydon_company_id integer
company_annual_accounts array {
struct GCRCompanyAnnualAccount
financial_year gYear
month_end_financial_year int
day_end_financial_year int
length_financial_year_in_months int
reliable boolean
account_code string
account_text string
filing struct GCRFiling
filing_code string
filing_text string
filing_date date
chamber_of_commerce struct GCRChamberOfCommerce
chamber_no string
dossier_no string
sub_dossier_no string
administering_chamber_no string
trade_register_location string
financial_year_graydon gYear
currency_code string
scale_code string
scale_text string
date_of_drawing_up date
balance_sheet_code string
balance_sheet_text string
balance_sheet struct GCRBalanceSheet
items array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
assets struct GCRAssets
fixed_assets_total struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
fixed_assets_items array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
current_assets_total struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
current_assets_items array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
balance_sheet_total decimal
liabilities struct GCRLiabilities
liabilities_items array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
balance_sheet_total decimal
profit_and_loss_account array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
supplement_to_annual_account array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
ratios array {
struct GCRRatio
ratio_code string
ratio_text string
value decimal
bank_and_insurer_data array {
struct GCRBankAndInsurerData
financial_year gYear
month_end_financial_year int
day_end_financial_year int
length_financial_year_in_months int
reliable boolean
account_code string
account_text string
filing struct GCRFiling
filing_code string
filing_text string
filing_date date
chamber_of_commerce struct GCRChamberOfCommerce
chamber_no string
dossier_no string
sub_dossier_no string
administering_chamber_no string
trade_register_location string
financial_year_graydon gYear
currency_code string
scale_code string
scale_text string
date_of_drawing_up date
balance_sheet_code string
balance_sheet_text string
bank_and_insurer_key_figures struct GCRBankAndInsurerKeyFigures
balance_sheet_total string
equity_capital string
group_equity string
liable_equity string
technical_provisions string
entrusted_funds string
debt_securities string
credits string
attracted_bankers_funds string
issued_bankers_funds string
interest string
premium_income string
other_income string
total_benefits string
yield_on_investments string
operating_investments string
holding_gain_of_accounts_receivable string
result_before_taxes string
group_profit string
net_profit string
ratios array {
struct GCRRatio
ratio_code string
ratio_text string
value decimal
financial_details struct GCRFinancialDetails
graydon_company_id integer
turnovers array {
struct GCRFinancialDetailValue
financial_code string
financial_text string
year int
amount decimal
amount_currency string
forecast decimal
results array {
struct GCRFinancialDetailValue
financial_code string
financial_text string
year int
amount decimal
amount_currency string
forecast decimal
financial_calamities array {
struct GCRFinancialCalamity
bankruptcy struct GCRBankruptcy
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
date_of_verdict date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
curators array {
struct GCRCurator
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
moratorium struct GCRMoratorium
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
date_from date
provisional_verdict_date date
definite_verdict_date date
moratorium_term_in_months int
prolongation_date date
prolongation_in_months int
vote_code int
vote_text string
vote_date date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
receivers array {
struct GCRReceiver
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
debt_restructuring_private_persons struct GCRDebtRestructuringPrivatePersons
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
provisional_verdict_date date
definite_verdict_date date
debt_restructuring_term_in_months int
provisional_discontinuance_code int
provisional_discontinuance_text string
provisional_discontinuance_date date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
receivers array {
struct GCRReceiver
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
personnel struct GCRPersonnel
graydon_company_id integer
employees_class_code int
employees_class_text string
number_of_employees array {
struct GCRNumberOfEmployees
year int
number_of_employees float
credit_advice_data struct GCRCreditAdviceData
including_personal_judgement boolean
credit_advice struct GCRCreditAdvice
graydon_company_id integer
credit_amount string
credit_currency string
history_advised_limits array {
struct GCRHistoryAdvisedLimit
value string
year_month gYearMonth
credit_factors array {
struct GCRCreditFactor
type string
description string
adjustment int
credit_advice_mother struct GCRCreditAdviceMother
graydon_company_id integer
amount string
credit_rating struct GCRCreditRating
y_rating string
pd_rating string
pd_percentage float
erc_score string
credit_flag_code string
credit_flag_text string
ratings array {
struct GCRRating
type string
description string
value string
y_rating_history array {
struct GCRRatingHistory
value string
year_month gYearMonth
pd_rating_history array {
struct GCRRatingHistory
value string
year_month gYearMonth
pd_percentage_history array {
struct GCRPercentageHistory
value float
year_month gYearMonth
sectors_of_industry array {
struct GCRSectorOfIndustry
is_primary boolean
sector_code string
sector_text string
calamity struct GCRCalamity
calamity_events array {
struct GCRCalamityEvent
event_code int
event_text string
event_date date
expiration_date date
damage_amount string
damage_currency string
insurance_code int
insurance_text string
instigator_graydon_company_id integer
other_calamities array {
struct GCRCalamityOther
calamity_code int
calamity_text string
expiration_date date
payment_information array {
struct GCRPaymentInformation
value float
year_month gYearMonth
declarations_of_liability array {
struct GCRDeclarationOfLiability
graydon_company_id integer
is_current boolean
date_from date
date_until date
concern_liaisons array {
struct GCRLiaison
graydon_company_id integer
liaison_code string
liaison_text string
company_management struct GCRCompanyManagement
management array {
struct GCRManagement
graydon_company_id integer
graydon_person_id integer
is_current boolean
job_titles array {
struct GCRJobTitle
graydon_company_id integer
is_current boolean
job_title_code int
job_title_text string
authority_code int
authority_text string
date_from date
date_until date
first_directors array {
struct GCRFirstDirector
graydon_person_id integer
is_current boolean
job_title_code int
job_title_text string
date_from date
date_until date
company_relations struct GCRCompanyRelations
companies array {
struct GCRCompany
graydon_company_id integer
contact_details struct GCRContactDetails
company_name string
trade_names array {
struct GCRTradeName
is_current boolean
name string
date_from date
date_until date
addresses array {
struct GCRAddress
is_current boolean
address_code int
address_text string
date_from date
date_until date
street string
house_no string
house_no_addition string
pobox string
postcode string
residence string
country_code int
country_text string
telephone_numbers array {
struct GCRTelephoneNumber
telephone_code int
telephone_text string
country_number string
net_number string
subscriber_number string
official_data struct GCROfficialData
chamber_of_commerce struct GCRChamberOfCommerce
chamber_no string
dossier_no string
sub_dossier_no string
administering_chamber_no string
trade_register_location string
vat_number string
present_legal_form_code int
present_legal_form_text string
present_legal_form_fine_code int
present_legal_form_fine_text string
number_of_non_executive_partners string
publication_duty_code string
publication_duty_text string
capital array {
struct GCRCapital
is_current boolean
date_change date
social_capital string
capital_of_commandite_partnership string
issued_capital string
paid_up_capital string
monetary_amount_specified_in_corporate_deed string
founded array {
struct GCRFounded
date_from date
residence string
legal_form_code int
legal_form_text string
start_date date
founded_at date
discontinuance struct GCRDiscontinuance
type string
date string
reason string
history struct GCRHistory
originated_from array {
struct GCROriginatedFrom
graydon_company_id integer
originated_from_code int
originated_from_text string
date_from date
continuation array {
struct GCRContinuation
date_from date
residence string
legal_form_code int
legal_form_text string
company_continued_under array {
struct GCRCompanyContinuedUnder
graydon_company_id integer
continued_under_code int
continued_under_text string
date_from date
sectors_of_industry array {
struct GCRSectorOfIndustry
is_primary boolean
sector_code string
sector_text string
positions_in_other_companies array {
struct GCRJobTitle
graydon_company_id integer
is_current boolean
job_title_code int
job_title_text string
authority_code int
authority_text string
date_from date
date_until date
annual_figures array {
struct GCRAnnualFigures
graydon_company_id integer
company_annual_accounts array {
struct GCRCompanyAnnualAccount
financial_year gYear
month_end_financial_year int
day_end_financial_year int
length_financial_year_in_months int
reliable boolean
account_code string
account_text string
filing struct GCRFiling
filing_code string
filing_text string
filing_date date
chamber_of_commerce struct GCRChamberOfCommerce
chamber_no string
dossier_no string
sub_dossier_no string
administering_chamber_no string
trade_register_location string
financial_year_graydon gYear
currency_code string
scale_code string
scale_text string
date_of_drawing_up date
balance_sheet_code string
balance_sheet_text string
balance_sheet struct GCRBalanceSheet
items array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
assets struct GCRAssets
fixed_assets_total struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
fixed_assets_items array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
current_assets_total struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
current_assets_items array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
balance_sheet_total decimal
liabilities struct GCRLiabilities
liabilities_items array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
balance_sheet_total decimal
profit_and_loss_account array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
supplement_to_annual_account array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
ratios array {
struct GCRRatio
ratio_code string
ratio_text string
value decimal
bank_and_insurer_data array {
struct GCRBankAndInsurerData
financial_year gYear
month_end_financial_year int
day_end_financial_year int
length_financial_year_in_months int
reliable boolean
account_code string
account_text string
filing struct GCRFiling
filing_code string
filing_text string
filing_date date
chamber_of_commerce struct GCRChamberOfCommerce
chamber_no string
dossier_no string
sub_dossier_no string
administering_chamber_no string
trade_register_location string
financial_year_graydon gYear
currency_code string
scale_code string
scale_text string
date_of_drawing_up date
balance_sheet_code string
balance_sheet_text string
bank_and_insurer_key_figures struct GCRBankAndInsurerKeyFigures
balance_sheet_total string
equity_capital string
group_equity string
liable_equity string
technical_provisions string
entrusted_funds string
debt_securities string
credits string
attracted_bankers_funds string
issued_bankers_funds string
interest string
premium_income string
other_income string
total_benefits string
yield_on_investments string
operating_investments string
holding_gain_of_accounts_receivable string
result_before_taxes string
group_profit string
net_profit string
ratios array {
struct GCRRatio
ratio_code string
ratio_text string
value decimal
financial_details struct GCRFinancialDetails
graydon_company_id integer
turnovers array {
struct GCRFinancialDetailValue
financial_code string
financial_text string
year int
amount decimal
amount_currency string
forecast decimal
results array {
struct GCRFinancialDetailValue
financial_code string
financial_text string
year int
amount decimal
amount_currency string
forecast decimal
financial_calamities array {
struct GCRFinancialCalamity
bankruptcy struct GCRBankruptcy
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
date_of_verdict date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
curators array {
struct GCRCurator
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
moratorium struct GCRMoratorium
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
date_from date
provisional_verdict_date date
definite_verdict_date date
moratorium_term_in_months int
prolongation_date date
prolongation_in_months int
vote_code int
vote_text string
vote_date date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
receivers array {
struct GCRReceiver
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
debt_restructuring_private_persons struct GCRDebtRestructuringPrivatePersons
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
provisional_verdict_date date
definite_verdict_date date
debt_restructuring_term_in_months int
provisional_discontinuance_code int
provisional_discontinuance_text string
provisional_discontinuance_date date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
receivers array {
struct GCRReceiver
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
persons array {
struct GCRPerson
graydon_person_id integer
personal_details struct GCRPersonalDetails
gender_code string
gender_text string
titles array {
struct GCRTitle
title_code int
title_text string
initials string
prefixes string
name string
telephone_number struct GCRTelephoneNumber
telephone_code int
telephone_text string
country_number string
net_number string
subscriber_number string
address struct GCRAddress
is_current boolean
address_code int
address_text string
date_from date
date_until date
street string
house_no string
house_no_addition string
pobox string
postcode string
residence string
country_code int
country_text string
birth_information struct GCRBirthInformation
date date
residence string
country_code int
country_text string
job_titles array {
struct GCRJobTitle
graydon_company_id integer
is_current boolean
job_title_code int
job_title_text string
authority_code int
authority_text string
date_from date
date_until date
financial_calamities array {
struct GCRFinancialCalamity
bankruptcy struct GCRBankruptcy
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
date_of_verdict date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
curators array {
struct GCRCurator
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
moratorium struct GCRMoratorium
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
date_from date
provisional_verdict_date date
definite_verdict_date date
moratorium_term_in_months int
prolongation_date date
prolongation_in_months int
vote_code int
vote_text string
vote_date date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
receivers array {
struct GCRReceiver
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
debt_restructuring_private_persons struct GCRDebtRestructuringPrivatePersons
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
provisional_verdict_date date
definite_verdict_date date
debt_restructuring_term_in_months int
provisional_discontinuance_code int
provisional_discontinuance_text string
provisional_discontinuance_date date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
receivers array {
struct GCRReceiver
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
indirect_company_relations struct GCRCompanyRelations
companies array {
struct GCRCompany
graydon_company_id integer
contact_details struct GCRContactDetails
company_name string
trade_names array {
struct GCRTradeName
is_current boolean
name string
date_from date
date_until date
addresses array {
struct GCRAddress
is_current boolean
address_code int
address_text string
date_from date
date_until date
street string
house_no string
house_no_addition string
pobox string
postcode string
residence string
country_code int
country_text string
telephone_numbers array {
struct GCRTelephoneNumber
telephone_code int
telephone_text string
country_number string
net_number string
subscriber_number string
official_data struct GCROfficialData
chamber_of_commerce struct GCRChamberOfCommerce
chamber_no string
dossier_no string
sub_dossier_no string
administering_chamber_no string
trade_register_location string
vat_number string
present_legal_form_code int
present_legal_form_text string
present_legal_form_fine_code int
present_legal_form_fine_text string
number_of_non_executive_partners string
publication_duty_code string
publication_duty_text string
capital array {
struct GCRCapital
is_current boolean
date_change date
social_capital string
capital_of_commandite_partnership string
issued_capital string
paid_up_capital string
monetary_amount_specified_in_corporate_deed string
founded array {
struct GCRFounded
date_from date
residence string
legal_form_code int
legal_form_text string
start_date date
founded_at date
discontinuance struct GCRDiscontinuance
type string
date string
reason string
history struct GCRHistory
originated_from array {
struct GCROriginatedFrom
graydon_company_id integer
originated_from_code int
originated_from_text string
date_from date
continuation array {
struct GCRContinuation
date_from date
residence string
legal_form_code int
legal_form_text string
company_continued_under array {
struct GCRCompanyContinuedUnder
graydon_company_id integer
continued_under_code int
continued_under_text string
date_from date
sectors_of_industry array {
struct GCRSectorOfIndustry
is_primary boolean
sector_code string
sector_text string
positions_in_other_companies array {
struct GCRJobTitle
graydon_company_id integer
is_current boolean
job_title_code int
job_title_text string
authority_code int
authority_text string
date_from date
date_until date
annual_figures array {
struct GCRAnnualFigures
graydon_company_id integer
company_annual_accounts array {
struct GCRCompanyAnnualAccount
financial_year gYear
month_end_financial_year int
day_end_financial_year int
length_financial_year_in_months int
reliable boolean
account_code string
account_text string
filing struct GCRFiling
filing_code string
filing_text string
filing_date date
chamber_of_commerce struct GCRChamberOfCommerce
chamber_no string
dossier_no string
sub_dossier_no string
administering_chamber_no string
trade_register_location string
financial_year_graydon gYear
currency_code string
scale_code string
scale_text string
date_of_drawing_up date
balance_sheet_code string
balance_sheet_text string
balance_sheet struct GCRBalanceSheet
items array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
assets struct GCRAssets
fixed_assets_total struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
fixed_assets_items array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
current_assets_total struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
current_assets_items array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
balance_sheet_total decimal
liabilities struct GCRLiabilities
liabilities_items array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
balance_sheet_total decimal
profit_and_loss_account array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
supplement_to_annual_account array {
struct GCRItem
main_code string
code string
sub_code string
description string
value decimal
free_text string
ratios array {
struct GCRRatio
ratio_code string
ratio_text string
value decimal
bank_and_insurer_data array {
struct GCRBankAndInsurerData
financial_year gYear
month_end_financial_year int
day_end_financial_year int
length_financial_year_in_months int
reliable boolean
account_code string
account_text string
filing struct GCRFiling
filing_code string
filing_text string
filing_date date
chamber_of_commerce struct GCRChamberOfCommerce
chamber_no string
dossier_no string
sub_dossier_no string
administering_chamber_no string
trade_register_location string
financial_year_graydon gYear
currency_code string
scale_code string
scale_text string
date_of_drawing_up date
balance_sheet_code string
balance_sheet_text string
bank_and_insurer_key_figures struct GCRBankAndInsurerKeyFigures
balance_sheet_total string
equity_capital string
group_equity string
liable_equity string
technical_provisions string
entrusted_funds string
debt_securities string
credits string
attracted_bankers_funds string
issued_bankers_funds string
interest string
premium_income string
other_income string
total_benefits string
yield_on_investments string
operating_investments string
holding_gain_of_accounts_receivable string
result_before_taxes string
group_profit string
net_profit string
ratios array {
struct GCRRatio
ratio_code string
ratio_text string
value decimal
financial_details struct GCRFinancialDetails
graydon_company_id integer
turnovers array {
struct GCRFinancialDetailValue
financial_code string
financial_text string
year int
amount decimal
amount_currency string
forecast decimal
results array {
struct GCRFinancialDetailValue
financial_code string
financial_text string
year int
amount decimal
amount_currency string
forecast decimal
financial_calamities array {
struct GCRFinancialCalamity
bankruptcy struct GCRBankruptcy
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
date_of_verdict date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
curators array {
struct GCRCurator
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
moratorium struct GCRMoratorium
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
date_from date
provisional_verdict_date date
definite_verdict_date date
moratorium_term_in_months int
prolongation_date date
prolongation_in_months int
vote_code int
vote_text string
vote_date date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
receivers array {
struct GCRReceiver
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
debt_restructuring_private_persons struct GCRDebtRestructuringPrivatePersons
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
provisional_verdict_date date
definite_verdict_date date
debt_restructuring_term_in_months int
provisional_discontinuance_code int
provisional_discontinuance_text string
provisional_discontinuance_date date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
receivers array {
struct GCRReceiver
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
persons array {
struct GCRPerson
graydon_person_id integer
personal_details struct GCRPersonalDetails
gender_code string
gender_text string
titles array {
struct GCRTitle
title_code int
title_text string
initials string
prefixes string
name string
telephone_number struct GCRTelephoneNumber
telephone_code int
telephone_text string
country_number string
net_number string
subscriber_number string
address struct GCRAddress
is_current boolean
address_code int
address_text string
date_from date
date_until date
street string
house_no string
house_no_addition string
pobox string
postcode string
residence string
country_code int
country_text string
birth_information struct GCRBirthInformation
date date
residence string
country_code int
country_text string
job_titles array {
struct GCRJobTitle
graydon_company_id integer
is_current boolean
job_title_code int
job_title_text string
authority_code int
authority_text string
date_from date
date_until date
financial_calamities array {
struct GCRFinancialCalamity
bankruptcy struct GCRBankruptcy
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
date_of_verdict date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
curators array {
struct GCRCurator
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
moratorium struct GCRMoratorium
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
date_from date
provisional_verdict_date date
definite_verdict_date date
moratorium_term_in_months int
prolongation_date date
prolongation_in_months int
vote_code int
vote_text string
vote_date date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
receivers array {
struct GCRReceiver
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
debt_restructuring_private_persons struct GCRDebtRestructuringPrivatePersons
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
provisional_verdict_date date
definite_verdict_date date
debt_restructuring_term_in_months int
provisional_discontinuance_code int
provisional_discontinuance_text string
provisional_discontinuance_date date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
receivers array {
struct GCRReceiver
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
report_calamity struct GraydonCreditReportCalamity
company struct GCRCompanyItselfCalamity
graydon_company_id integer
contact_details struct GCRContactDetails
company_name string
trade_names array {
struct GCRTradeName
is_current boolean
name string
date_from date
date_until date
addresses array {
struct GCRAddress
is_current boolean
address_code int
address_text string
date_from date
date_until date
street string
house_no string
house_no_addition string
pobox string
postcode string
residence string
country_code int
country_text string
telephone_numbers array {
struct GCRTelephoneNumber
telephone_code int
telephone_text string
country_number string
net_number string
subscriber_number string
official_data struct GCROfficialData
chamber_of_commerce struct GCRChamberOfCommerce
chamber_no string
dossier_no string
sub_dossier_no string
administering_chamber_no string
trade_register_location string
vat_number string
present_legal_form_code int
present_legal_form_text string
present_legal_form_fine_code int
present_legal_form_fine_text string
number_of_non_executive_partners string
publication_duty_code string
publication_duty_text string
capital array {
struct GCRCapital
is_current boolean
date_change date
social_capital string
capital_of_commandite_partnership string
issued_capital string
paid_up_capital string
monetary_amount_specified_in_corporate_deed string
founded array {
struct GCRFounded
date_from date
residence string
legal_form_code int
legal_form_text string
start_date date
founded_at date
discontinuance struct GCRDiscontinuance
type string
date string
reason string
history struct GCRHistory
originated_from array {
struct GCROriginatedFrom
graydon_company_id integer
originated_from_code int
originated_from_text string
date_from date
continuation array {
struct GCRContinuation
date_from date
residence string
legal_form_code int
legal_form_text string
company_continued_under array {
struct GCRCompanyContinuedUnder
graydon_company_id integer
continued_under_code int
continued_under_text string
date_from date
sectors_of_industry array {
struct GCRSectorOfIndustry
is_primary boolean
sector_code string
sector_text string
share_holders array {
struct GCRShareHolder
graydon_company_id integer
graydon_person_id integer
is_current boolean
percentage_of_shares float
date_from date
date_until date
branch_offices array {
struct GCRBranchOffice
branch_office_id string
business_name string
trade_names array {
struct GCRTradeName
is_current boolean
name string
date_from date
date_until date
addresses array {
struct GCRAddress
is_current boolean
address_code int
address_text string
date_from date
date_until date
street string
house_no string
house_no_addition string
pobox string
postcode string
residence string
country_code int
country_text string
telephone_numbers array {
struct GCRTelephoneNumber
telephone_code int
telephone_text string
country_number string
net_number string
subscriber_number string
email_addresses array {
estabishment_date date
discontinuance struct GCRDiscontinuance
type string
date string
reason string
participations array {
struct GCRParticipation
graydon_company_id integer
is_current boolean
percentage_of_shares float
date_from date
date_until date
import_export struct GCRImportExport
import_countries array {
struct GCRCountry
country_code int
country_text string
export_countries array {
struct GCRCountry
country_code int
country_text string
special_company_information array {
struct GCRSpecialCompanyInformation
special_company_code string
special_company_text string
texts array {
struct GCRTextSequence
sequence_number int
text string
financial_calamities array {
struct GCRFinancialCalamity
bankruptcy struct GCRBankruptcy
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
date_of_verdict date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
curators array {
struct GCRCurator
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
moratorium struct GCRMoratorium
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
date_from date
provisional_verdict_date date
definite_verdict_date date
moratorium_term_in_months int
prolongation_date date
prolongation_in_months int
vote_code int
vote_text string
vote_date date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
receivers array {
struct GCRReceiver
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
debt_restructuring_private_persons struct GCRDebtRestructuringPrivatePersons
official_registration_number integer
currently_active boolean
provisional_verdict_date date
definite_verdict_date date
debt_restructuring_term_in_months int
provisional_discontinuance_code int
provisional_discontinuance_text string
provisional_discontinuance_date date
definite_discontinuance_code int
definite_discontinuance_text string
definite_discontinuance_date date
receivers array {
struct GCRReceiver
graydon_person_id integer
date_when_active_in_job_title date
concern_liaisons array {
struct GCRLiaison
graydon_company_id integer
liaison_code string
liaison_text string
company_management struct GCRCompanyManagement
management array {
struct GCRManagement
graydon_company_id integer
graydon_person_id integer
is_current boolean
job_titles array {
struct GCRJobTitle
graydon_company_id integer
is_current boolean
job_title_code int
job_title_text string
authority_code int
authority_text string
date_from date
date_until date
first_directors array {
struct GCRFirstDirector
graydon_person_id integer
is_current boolean
job_title_code int
job_title_text string
date_from date
date_until date
company_relations struct GCRCompanyRelationsSimple
companies array {
struct GCRCompanySimple
graydon_company_id integer
contact_details struct GCRContactDetails
company_name string
trade_names array {
struct GCRTradeName
is_current boolean
name string
date_from date
date_until date
addresses array {
struct GCRAddress
is_current boolean
address_code int
address_text string
date_from date
date_until date
street string
house_no string
house_no_addition string
pobox string
postcode string
residence string
country_code int
country_text string
telephone_numbers array {
struct GCRTelephoneNumber
telephone_code int
telephone_text string
country_number string
net_number string
subscriber_number string
official_data struct GCROfficialData
chamber_of_commerce struct GCRChamberOfCommerce
chamber_no string
dossier_no string
sub_dossier_no string
administering_chamber_no string
trade_register_location string
vat_number string
present_legal_form_code int
present_legal_form_text string
present_legal_form_fine_code int
present_legal_form_fine_text string
number_of_non_executive_partners string
publication_duty_code string
publication_duty_text string
capital array {
struct GCRCapital
is_current boolean
date_change date
social_capital string
capital_of_commandite_partnership string
issued_capital string
paid_up_capital string
monetary_amount_specified_in_corporate_deed string
founded array {
struct GCRFounded
date_from date
residence string
legal_form_code int
legal_form_text string
start_date date
founded_at date
discontinuance struct GCRDiscontinuance
type string
date string
reason string
history struct GCRHistory
originated_from array {
struct GCROriginatedFrom
graydon_company_id integer
originated_from_code int
originated_from_text string
date_from date
continuation array {
struct GCRContinuation
date_from date
residence string
legal_form_code int
legal_form_text string
company_continued_under array {
struct GCRCompanyContinuedUnder
graydon_company_id integer
continued_under_code int
continued_under_text string
date_from date
sectors_of_industry array {
struct GCRSectorOfIndustry
is_primary boolean
sector_code string
sector_text string
persons array {
struct GCRPersonSimple
graydon_person_id integer
personal_details struct GCRPersonalDetails
gender_code string
gender_text string
titles array {
struct GCRTitle
title_code int
title_text string
initials string
prefixes string
name string
address struct GCRAddress
is_current boolean
address_code int
address_text string
date_from date
date_until date
street string
house_no string
house_no_addition string
pobox string
postcode string
residence string
country_code int
country_text string
birth_information struct GCRBirthInformation
date date
residence string
country_code int
country_text string
report_alarm struct GraydonCreditReportAlarm
company struct GCRCompanyItselfAlarm
graydon_company_id integer
contact_details struct GCRAlarmContactDetails
company_name string
trade_names array {
struct GCRTradeName
is_current boolean
name string
date_from date
date_until date
addresses array {
struct GCRAddress
is_current boolean
address_code int
address_text string
date_from date
date_until date
street string
house_no string
house_no_addition string
pobox string
postcode string
residence string
country_code int
country_text string
discontinuance struct GCRDiscontinuance
type string
date string
reason string
special_company_information array {
struct GCRSpecialCompanyInformation
special_company_code string
special_company_text string
texts array {
struct GCRTextSequence
sequence_number int
text string
document base64Binary
alarm struct GCRAlarm
alarm_code int
alarm_text string