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Function: dnbWorldbaseMarketingPlusLinkage

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Description of the function

Detailed WorldBase information, including information on a business' family tree

Below you will find an overview of the input you must supply to this function, and the output you can expect.

Input to the SOAP server

This is the input you must supply to the SOAP server.

auth_username string
auth_password string
company_id string
company_id_type string

Output from the SOAP server

This is the output that you will receive from the SOAP server. Optional elements are displayed using a gray italic font.

out struct DNBMarketingPlusLinkageResult
marketing struct DNBMarketing
duns string
business_number string
business_number_type int
primary_name string
trade_name string
former_duns string
former_primary_name string
establishment_address struct DNBAddress
address string
postcode string
city string
region string
region_short string
region_code int
country string
country_dnb int
country_iso string
country_calling_code string
phone_number string
fax_number string
marketability_indication boolean
marketing_plus struct DNBMarketingPlus
correspondence_address struct DNBAddress
address string
postcode string
city string
region string
region_short string
region_code int
country string
country_dnb int
country_iso string
correspondence_deliverability_indication boolean
establishment_deliverability_indication boolean
location_status string
is_subsidiary_location boolean
legal_form int
line_of_business string
sic_activity_codes array {
struct DNBSICCode
code string
description string
sic8_activity_codes array {
struct DNBSICCode
code string
description string
local_activity_code string
local_activity_code_type int
start_year int
ceo_name string
ceo_title string
executive_names array {
statement_date string
currency string
annual_sales long
annual_sales_us long
annual_sales_indication int
net_worth long
net_worth_us long
net_income long
net_income_us long
import_indication boolean
export_indication boolean
agent_indication boolean
employees int
employees_indication int
employees_total int
employees_total_indication int
employees_total_includes_principals boolean
report_date string
out_of_business boolean
marketing_plus_linkage struct DNBMarketingPlusLinkage
domestic_ultimate_duns string
domestic_ultimate_name string
domestic_ultimate_address struct DNBAddress
address string
postcode string
city string
region string
region_short string
region_code int
country string
country_dnb int
country_iso string
global_ultimate_indication boolean
global_ultimate_duns string
global_ultimate_name string
global_ultimate_address struct DNBAddress
address string
postcode string
city string
region string
region_short string
region_code int
country string
country_dnb int
country_iso string
headquarters_duns string
headquarters_name string
headquarters_address struct DNBAddress
address string
postcode string
city string
region string
region_short string
region_code int
country string
country_dnb int
country_iso string
family_member_count int
linkage_report_date string