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Function: geoLocationInternationalAddressCoordinatesLatLon

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Description of the function

Returns the coordinates of the given address in degrees of latitude/longitude. Most countries are supported in the function. Accuracy of the result may vary between countries. Since the street and city have to contain the complete name and since this method acts with international data, we recommend to use if you know the postcode, since working with postcodes is less error prone.

Below you will find an overview of the input you must supply to this function, and the output you can expect.

Input to the SOAP server

This is the input you must supply to the SOAP server.

street string
houseno int
city string
province string
country string
language string

Output from the SOAP server

This is the output that you will receive from the SOAP server. Optional elements are displayed using a gray italic font.

coordinates array {
struct LatLonCoordinatesInternationalAddress
postcode string
street string
city string
province string
country_iso2 string
latitude float
longitude float