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Function: dutchBusinessGetExtractDocumentDataV3

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Description of the function

Retrieve a Chamber of Commerce extract document (Dutch: Uittreksel Handelsregister)

Below you will find an overview of the input you must supply to this function, and the output you can expect.

Input to the SOAP server

This is the input you must supply to the SOAP server.

dossier_number string
include_source boolean

Output from the SOAP server

This is the output that you will receive from the SOAP server. Optional elements are displayed using a gray italic font.

out struct DutchBusinessExtractDocumentDataV3
document base64Binary
data struct DutchBusinessExtractDataV3
dossier_number string
reference_date dateTime
legal_entity struct DutchBusinessLegalEntityV3
rsin_number string
name string
alternative_name string
shortened_name string
registration string
legal_form_text string
legal_form_change string
foreign_legal_form_description string
activity string
company_arrangement string
legal_name string
statutory_seat string
registration_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
founding_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
discontinuation_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
dissolution_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
dissolution_reason string
removal_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
registration_end_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
legal_entity_end_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
liquidation_closure_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
liquidation_reopening_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
deed_incorporation_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
deed_last_statutes_amendment_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
last_statutes_amendment_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
liability string
merger_description string
annual_report_submission string
authorized_share_capital struct DutchBusinessMoneyV3
amount long
currency string
formatted string
issued_share_capital struct DutchBusinessMoneyV3
amount long
currency string
formatted string
paid_up_share_capital struct DutchBusinessMoneyV3
amount long
currency string
formatted string
duration string
duration_end_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
shares string
share_holders string
remarks array {
establishment_address struct DutchBusinessAddressV3
address string
postcode string
city string
street string
house_number int
house_number_addition string
country string
correspondence_address struct DutchBusinessAddressV3
address string
postcode string
city string
street string
house_number int
house_number_addition string
country string
telephone_numbers array {
fax_numbers array {
email_addresses array {
domain_names array {
sbi_codes array {
struct DutchBusinessSbiCodeV3
sbi_code string
description string
partnership struct DutchBusinessPartnershipV3
dossier_number string
rsin_number string
name string
registration string
legal_form_text string
founding_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
dissolution_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
function_start_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
duration string
limited_partnership_capital struct DutchBusinessMoneyV3
amount long
currency string
formatted string
establishment_address struct DutchBusinessAddressV3
address string
postcode string
city string
street string
house_number int
house_number_addition string
country string
correspondence_address struct DutchBusinessAddressV3
address string
postcode string
city string
street string
house_number int
house_number_addition string
country string
silent_partners int
remarks array {
enterprise struct DutchBusinessEnterpriseV3
name string
registration string
legal_form_text string
activity string
description string
incorporation_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
founding_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
discontinuation_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
date_since struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
personnel struct DutchBusinessPersonnelInfoV3
fulltime int
parttime int
total int
remarks array {
sbi_codes array {
struct DutchBusinessSbiCodeV3
sbi_code string
description string
trade_names array {
establishments array {
struct DutchBusinessEstablishmentV3
establishment_number string
main_establishment boolean
legal_form_text string
activity string
description string
establishment_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
date_since struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
personnel struct DutchBusinessPersonnelInfoV3
fulltime int
parttime int
total int
remarks array {
sbi_codes array {
struct DutchBusinessSbiCodeV3
sbi_code string
description string
establishment_address struct DutchBusinessAddressV3
address string
postcode string
city string
street string
house_number int
house_number_addition string
country string
correspondence_address struct DutchBusinessAddressV3
address string
postcode string
city string
street string
house_number int
house_number_addition string
country string
telephone_numbers array {
fax_numbers array {
email_addresses array {
domain_names array {
trade_names array {
positions array {
struct DutchBusinessPositionV3
functionary struct DutchBusinessPersonV3
full_name string
first_name string
title string
initials string
last_name string
gender string
date_deceased struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
date_of_birth struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
place_of_birth string
country_of_birth string
organisation struct DutchBusinessOrganizationReferenceV3
dossier_number string
registration string
name string
trade_names array {
residential_address struct DutchBusinessAddressV3
address string
postcode string
city string
street string
house_number int
house_number_addition string
country string
correspondence_address struct DutchBusinessAddressV3
address string
postcode string
city string
street string
house_number int
house_number_addition string
country string
establishment_address struct DutchBusinessAddressV3
address string
postcode string
city string
street string
house_number int
house_number_addition string
country string
longest_serving boolean
function_type string
function_description string
function_title string
function_start_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
function_registration_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
function_end_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
function_authorization string
function_authorization_description string
function_authorization_start_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
function_authorization_signing_power string
function_authorization_end_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
authorization_description string
authorization_establishment_number string
authorization_start_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
authorization_end_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
authorization_constraints array {
inauguration string
inauguration_function string
inauguration_duration string
inauguration_date struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
inauguration_body string
under_receivership string
rights_against_third_parties string
release_of_covenant string
date_since struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
date_joined struct DutchBusinessDateV3
year int
month int
day int
remarks array {
remarks array {
source base64Binary