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Function: businessGetDossierV3

! This function is deprecated

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Description of the function

Look up a business Dossier. The subdossierno parameter can be left empty to get all Sub Dossiers of one Dossier.

Below you will find an overview of the input you must supply to this function, and the output you can expect.

Input to the SOAP server

This is the input you must supply to the SOAP server.

dossierno string
subdossierno string
page int

Output from the SOAP server

This is the output that you will receive from the SOAP server. Optional elements are displayed using a gray italic font.

out struct BusinessDossierV3PagedResult
paging struct ResultInfo
curpage int
perpage int
numpages int
numresults int
maxresults int
results array {
struct BusinessDossierV3
RegisterLetter string
DossierNo string
SubDossierNo string
ChamberNo string
Legalformcode string
LegalformcodeText string
PreviousDossierNo string
PreviousSubDossierNo string
Tradename45 string
TradenameFull string
EstablishmentPostcode string
EstablishmentCity string
EstablishmentStreetname string
EstablishmentHouseNo int
EstablishmentHouseNoAddition string
CorrespondencePostcode string
CorrespondenceCity string
CorrespondenceStreetname string
CorrespondenceHouseNo int
CorrespondenceHouseNoAddition string
TelephoneNo string
Domainname string
PrimarySBICode string
SecondarySBICode1 string
SecondarySBICode2 string
PrimarySBICodeText string
SecondarySBICode1Text string
SecondarySBICode2Text string
Personnel int
ClassPersonnel int
IndicationOrganisationcode string
IndicationEconomicallyActive boolean
IndicationNonMailing boolean
IndicationBankruptcy boolean
IndicationDIP boolean